Rowing in North Canterbury since 1868
The club constantly monitoring its health and safety plan and adheres to the NZ Water Safety Code 2016.
We take the safety of our members seriously. All new members receive an induction into the club when they join and returning rowers are briefed at the start of each season.
We have an appointed Health & Safety Officer. Safety is a standing item at monthly committee meetings.
On-water incident & near-miss reporting
Reporting informs the development of GOOD PRACTICE and can save people from future harm. Club coaches and unaccompanied rowers are to report any incident or near-miss using the form linked above. The report is received by David Christison, our Safety Officer.
Contact David directly with any concerns/queries or if there has been an incident involving injury. Mobile / Email
Health & Safety Policies
Club Safety Policy and Procedures
Club Preventing Bullying and Harassment Policy
Guidelines, processes & procedures
Club Rowing Safety Guidelines
The Kaiapoi and Waimakariri River Rowing Areas (includes identified hazards and map)
Other Club documentation
Private Boat Rack Hire & Storage Protocol