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2023 Canterbury Masters Rowing Programme

Masters from Canterbury Rowing Clubs, with support from the Canterbury Rowing Association, have designed a shoulder and off-season masters rowing programme to run alongside the summer competitive programme.

The programme will provide Canterbury masters:

  • Skill development and competition for those who are members of contributing clubs

  • Ability to tap into available coaching expertise

  • Options for organised excursions and racing

  • A mix of fun long and short-distance racing, in keeping with the mutual trust and friendship across masters within the clubs, without compromising affiliation to individual clubs, and in line with training programmes for the pinnacle masters regattas

  • A solution to the common problem of overloading club capacity with the draw on plant, space, and/or coaching availability

  • Options for those wanting to race more consistently outside of the limited offerings during the summer season 

  • A period of less intensity over the summer season for those not interested in training hard-out all year

  • Opportunity to participate in coaching weekends that are strategically placed to support training into key masters regattas, such as the South Island Masters and NZ Masters Championships

The programme linked below has confirmed dates for most events, with finalised details notified directly to participating rowing clubs closer to the time. 


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